Monday 23 August 2021

Sorry, Doesn't Pass The Smell Test...

A driver was raped after she stopped to check if a child was safe after spotting an empty car seat in a layby, police have said.

Wait, what? I've lost count of the times I've seen dumped car seats, prams, etc by the side of the road. Never once occured to me to stop and check for a baby in the vicinity! 

Thames Valley police said the woman was raped in a layby on the A4 in Thatcham, Berkshire, opposite the junction with Cox’s Lane, in an attack late on 16 August.

Let's have a look at this layby, shall we? 

Hmm...unlit, right next to a clump to, even if I had the reflexes of a F1 driver to spot the article and make the decision to stop in time, I wouldn't!

The force, whose officers were called at around midnight, said it is now investigating whether the empty car seat was used to the lure the victim (sic) who had been driving on the A4 before she was attacked.

Nope! Sorry! 


  1. There appears to be a junction on the left of the picture. This means that the woman could have been travelling quite slowly when she spotted the child seat. Other than that the story doesn't quite add up, why would you think that an abandoned child seat would have a baby in it?

  2. "I only wanted to talk about it".

    If you know the punchline, you know the rest.

  3. "Other than that the story doesn't quite add up..."

    Doesn't add up at all! But since they've managed to arrest someone (a 28-year-old man from Bracknell), perhaps we'll know in time.
