Tuesday 24 August 2021

Their Jobs Weren't Why They Were Killed, 'Mail'...

Well, not their primary job, in this case at least:

Today, five of the masked men were jailed for a total of more than 70 years.
Judge Richard Marks, QC, said the gang, who had been selling drugs on the estate, targeted Amrou and a friend for 'affecting their customers' when they started to do the same.

Meanwhile, in another part of enriched London:

There's no suggestion that this one had any drugs connection:

Jurors were told that Mr Adekola was in the 'wrong place at the wrong time' as he chanced upon a group of young men who had travelled into the rival NW9 postcode area.
Mr Emlyn Jones said: 'It is the prosecution case that the defendants were on a raid into enemy territory, something known as a 'ride out'.
'When they got to NW9, it didn't matter to them who they stabbed - it was enough to show their NW9 rivals that they could turn up on enemy territory and attack who they liked.'

Undeterred by the law, or morals, or consequences. But stop and search or heavy policing of certain areas and 'cultures' is racist, apparently, so what to do? 


  1. 'Undeterred by the law...'

    There are compensations, JuliaM. For instance, you cannot drive at 21 mph in these areas without plod suddenly appearing from nowhere, to point a roadside speed gun in your direction.

  2. Small wonder the immigrant smuggling gangs are now making a nice second income from smuggling in hand guns on the immigrant boats.

  3. Heavy policing plus profiling and an emphasis on stop and search. It is not racist it is common sense.

  4. " For instance, you cannot drive at 21 mph in these areas..."

    Could you send some of them my way, where idiots drive at 45mph in 30mph zones with utter impunity?

    "Small wonder the immigrant smuggling gangs are now making a nice second income from smuggling in hand guns on the immigrant boats."

    How long before the next Islamist atrocity?

    " It is not racist it is common sense."

    I'm forced to conclude that's no longer so common...
