Wednesday 11 August 2021

Who Are You Going To Believe..?

...the 'Mail' description, or your lying eyes?

Footage from the scene shows the grandmother, who is wearing a long grey cardigan, approach the officers arresting her son and attempt to speak with them.
No, it clearly shows her grab his hair and attempt to pull him away by it!
Greater Manchester Police have said the incident has now been referred to its Professional Standards Department who will review the body-cam footage from officers.

They should just watch the video...

Even the daughter inadvertantly gives the game away in her 'Yeah, but no, but yeah...' interview: 

Ms Willisford added: 'So my mum as he has punched my brother in the head has walked over and said ''you're hurting him, stop hurting my son''. She's a touchy-feely person and she was under the influence of alcohol.
'He's flung her, for nothing. She went over and touched his head, she's panicking, obviously, she shouldn't have touched him.'

Case closed! 


  1. Punching an elderly woman in the face because she pulled his hair? There are toddlers out there with more restraint than that pig!

  2. I chuckle when the Mail uses the word Grandmother in the headline. You imagine an 85 year old frail lady pushing a shopping trolley and doing knitting. In this case it's a 50 year old drunken harpie who is overweight and aggressive.
    Do some digging on the family. Drunken scum who had been banned from the store previously for bad behaviour.
    Unfortunately for the complainant she wont get any sympathy as she's the wrong colour.

  3. 50 is now elderly? WOW....I'm ancient then.

  4. Ahhh so she was a bit p****d so that's alright then.

  5. Unnecessarily complex, WC Jaded. This is simply how scum deal with scum.

  6. "Punching an elderly woman in the face because she pulled his hair?"

    Leaving apart the 'elderly' bit - she's only 50! - do you think he had time to carefully assess who was assaulting him?

    "I chuckle when the Mail uses the word Grandmother in the headline. You imagine an 85 year old frail lady pushing a shopping trolley and doing knitting. In this case it's a 50 year old drunken harpie who is overweight and aggressive."

    Spot on!

    "Ahhh so she was a bit p****d so that's alright then."

    I doubt she's ever not in that state!
