Friday 10 September 2021

A Genuine Case Of Mistaken Identity..?

They are rare, but they do happen. I'm not convinced that this is what happened here, though...
Three men have been jailed for stabbing an innocent 19-year-old man to death in a revenge attack outside a pub in Essex after one of the killers was attacked hours earlier.
Another victim was stabbed in the leg by the gang and was left needing surgery in the revenge attack after one of the killers was attacked hours earlier but not by either of his victims.

...or something else? Is there a clue here, perhaps? 

Although the defendants and the victims were known to each other, neither Liam nor his friend were involved in the assault on Filby.

So exactly how were they 'known to each other' and why did they choose to attack this group, and not another? 

Speaking after the verdicts were announced on May 5, Liam's nan, Julie Taylor, 55, from Chelmsford said: "We're not going to let Liam die in vain. We have got to stop youth violence somehow with this generation."

First, we need to be honest about them. 


  1. Start with a woman being a "Nan"at 36.

  2. When I was on patrol on a crappy estate a few years back a local resident had draped an old bed sheet over railings on a busy roundabout with the words painted on it -" happy 40th birthday Nan". The Nan in this story broke that record.

  3. "Start with a woman being a "Nan"at 36."

    It does conjure up images, doesn't it?

    "When I was on patrol on a crappy estate a few years back a local resident had draped an old bed sheet over railings on a busy roundabout with the words painted on it -" happy 40th birthday Nan"."

    It's the, errr, thought that counts, clearly!
