Thursday 2 September 2021

'Capture'..? Don't You Mean 'Shoot'..?

Families were told to 'stay in their homes' while police tried to capture two dogs after a man was attacked in the street.
Officers from Merseyside Police were called to the scene, around Mount Pleasant Avenue, St Helens, after reports two American bulldogs were running loose.
A man, in his 40s, was attacked by one of the dogs and was left with puncture wounds to his chest.

To his chest..? FFS! 

One of the dogs was seized by officers but the second dog has not yet been found.

Why seize it? You had armed officers on scene, what's the point in taking it alive? 

If it's to check for a chip (ha! as if!), safer to do that when it's stone cold. 

A witness, who lives in the area, claimed officers told residents to stay indoors and to not approach the dog if they see it.

It's undoubtedly local.  You could try reading the local rag?


  1. we not shooting dogs cos we ant got enuff bullits for old men wi wite sticks brazliun electrishuns and peepl in fansy dres

  2. "...cos we ant got enuff bullits for old men wi wite sticks brazliun electrishuns and peepl in fansy dres"

    Fancy dress? 🤨
