Saturday 4 September 2021

'Gutted'..? You Should Be Hung, Drawn And Quartered...

A surveillance team and special tactics group monitored the man at all times and plain clothes officers were able to shoot and kill him within 60 seconds of launching the attack after detectives were so close they 'heard' the commotion.
And yet despite that, six victims are tonight fighting for their lives in hospitals in Adern's New Zealand.
Ardern revealed that the suspect was considered one of the nation's most dangerous extremists and had been watched 24/7 since 2016, adding she was 'gutted' he was able to carry out the attack despite being on the terror watchlist.

If he'd been deported back to his home country, he wouldn't have been able to do it, would he? Whoever he is. Because despite him being stone cold dead, the law in Adern's nightmare land forbid him from being identified...

Due to suppression orders that are already in place, Ardern says there is information about the man's identity and details of his past criminal history that cannot yet be revealed.
She vowed to share any further details 'within the confines of the law' if the court lifted suppression orders in the wake of his death. But Auckland's mayor Phil Goff said it is 'frustrating' that Ardern cannot reveal more details about the attacker.

It's more than just frustrating, it's utterly insane. The lands down under have turned into places that even North Korea probably regard as a bit bonkers. 


  1. This is always the problem with having a Labour government in alliance with the Greens, particularly in its second term. They always assume barbarians are their friends and do nothing about them.

  2. The West is too stupid to live.

  3. How on earth can UK critise the justice system of any other nation when we have just released a double murderer who raped and murdered two teenage girls?

  4. According to St Jacinda the worlds problems can all be solved simply by being nice to each other!! Unfortunately being nice has NOT solved our child poverty problems , our housing shortage or our domestic violence problems ,all of which are among the worst in the developed world.

  5. "They always assume barbarians are their friends and do nothing about them."

    Why do they never learn the lessons they always claim to be learning, though? Is it because the barbarians just don't kill enough of them or their kind to concern them?

    "The West is too stupid to live."

    It think, more accurately, it's that the leaders of the West are too stupid to let it live.

    "How on earth can UK critise the justice system of any other nation when we have just released a double murderer who raped and murdered two teenage girls?"

    Good point, sadly...

    "Unfortunately being nice has NOT solved our child poverty problems , our housing shortage or our domestic violence problems ,all of which are among the worst in the developed world."

    Really? Is that amongst the indigenous population, or is it more widespread?
