Tuesday 28 September 2021

Is There A Connection, I Wonder?

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

What do Liverpool plod have to say for themselves?
"Several enquiries were made to find an organisation who could assist with recovering the deer safely, but unfortunately we were unable to get assistance and as the hours went by the deer became more distressed.
"There was no option to let the deer wander as it could be a danger to motorists and members of the public in the area, particularly as the hours of darkness approached.
"As a result a decision was made in the early evening to euthanise the deer."

Let's hope The Deer Hunter is on duty the next time Scouse dogs pose 'a danger', eh? 


  1. "...unfortunately we were unable to get assistance..."

    That depends upon whether they bothered to do more than just have a quick look for Deer Specialist in the Scouse Yellow Pages.

  2. Given that the unexpected appearance of a white stag has long been considered a portent and killing one, at least in medieval literature, was considered decidedly bad luck, it will be interesting to see what happens next...

  3. "...unfortunately we were unable to get assistance..."

    An astonishing déclassé of filth continues to ooze through the portals of Scumbag Plod College.

  4. "As a result a decision was made in the early evening to euthanise the deer."
    I don't think the word 'euthanise' is the most appropriate one in these circumstances. If it is, perhaps the bizzys can now go and 'euthanise' some of the local scumbags?

  5. Surprised he could get a clear shot - Newcastle isn't the only town overrun by fat slags hunting in packs ....

  6. Some bizarre dystopia. Then again, it's Liverpool.

  7. White deer are very hard to see in the dark.
    Now black, or should that DoC, attack dogs are easily spotted by victims, so we do not shoot them, or even humanely but them to "sleep".

  8. "That depends upon whether they bothered to do more than just have a quick look for Deer Specialist in the Scouse Yellow Pages."

    They were in touch with the RSPCA, so remember that next time someone's rattling a tin on the High St...

    "...it will be interesting to see what happens next..."

    I'm getting the popcorn ready!

    "I don't think the word 'euthanise' is the most appropriate one in these circumstances. If it is, perhaps the bizzys can now go and 'euthanise' some of the local scumbags?"

    It would do a lot more for the safety of the community than shooting some hapless buck...

    "Some bizarre dystopia. Then again, it's Liverpool."

    Spot on!
