Tuesday 14 September 2021

More Like 'The Final Countdown'...

A heartbroken family has paid emotional tributes to a biker “with a heart of gold” following the verdict of his inquest.
Robert Kenward has been described by his family as a “hands on” man who loved riding motorbikes and being out with his friends.
Mr Kenward’s family told the inquest that he “died doing what he loved”.

So...what was it that he loved?  

The 24-year-old had been pulling a wheelie when he sadly lost control of his vehicle and collided with a lamppost when heading towards Hadleigh.

Oh, Seems it was 'riding like a moron and endangering other road users and pedestrians'. 

Well, then, *high five*, Grim Reaper! 

Coroner Brown recorded a verdict that Mr Kenward died in a road traffic collision. She added: “It’s been a long time, and now it’s the final chapter.

Would have been very tempted, if I were her, to break into song! 


  1. Prime candidate for a Darwin Award (and well deserved)

  2. "Prime candidate for a Darwin Award ..."

    A 24 year old in Essex? Likely far too late!
