Friday 17 September 2021

Oh, There Definitely Was A 'Need Or Purpose', Humza...'s bloody hilarious

The Scottish Health Secretary has been left unimpressed after a BBC journalist tweeted a video of him falling off a knee scooter while racing down a corridor at Holyrood Parliament.
Humza Yousaf said he wasn't sure there was a 'need or purpose' for the short clip to be shared by Glenn Campbell after it began receiving thousands of 'likes' on Twitter.

And it perfectly pricks the pomposity of this puffed-up little goon. And, as these things usually do, shows him up for what he is: 

Some social media users accused Mr Yousaf of hypocrisy after he previously said he 'couldn't wait to see the meme' after MP Douglas Ross fell over while acting as assistant referee during the Scottish Cup Final in 2018
He tweeted following the incident: 'Best moment of the 2nd half - Douglas Ross MP decks it a belter! Can't wait to see the meme...'

And also clearly not as someone fit for his role: 

Social media users pointed out that instruction manuals for the device available online repeatedly advise users to not travel at speed.
'We have a person in charge of a £15bn portfolio who hasn’t read the instructions,' wrote one alongside a screenshot of the manual which reads: 'Do not scoot at high speeds.'
Well, can't leave you without the video, can I?

Get the popcorn!


  1. Looks like his minion was expecting this. Crutches at the ready.
    Height of Woke - Take the Knee while at same time moving from one very important high power meeting to another.
    Maybe it was sabotage?
    Ooooh Noes. Maybe it was racism.

  2. What an utter clown that man is. I'm reasonably certain he knows absolutely nothing about anything except the inner workings of his own party. And they expect us to trust them with a sovereign state?

  3. Even better with the Benny Hill theme added ;-)

  4. I say he deserved it just for leaving his aid/employee/lesser being to trot along after him carrying shit.

  5. "Looks like his minion was expecting this. Crutches at the ready."

    I wouldn't have hurried if I were him...

    "I'm reasonably certain he knows absolutely nothing about anything except the inner workings of his own party. And they expect us to trust them with a sovereign state?"

    Scary thought, isn't it?

    "Even better with the Benny Hill theme added ;-)"


    "I say he deserved it just for leaving his aid/employee/lesser being to trot along after him carrying shit."

    He deserves it for many, many reasons!
