Wednesday 8 September 2021

Oliver Twist Didn't Get It, And Nor Should You...

Of course they do. 

And you know what? While we have a 'conservative' government like this one, they are almost certain to get it.

The NHS Confederation and NHS Providers, which represent hospitals and health organisations, claimed it would still leave a funding gap of around £3.5billion a year for frontline services in England. They had wanted £10billion a year just to clear the patient backlog and additional costs arising from the pandemic.

Not to employ more useless box-ticking diversity posts? And other waste?

Ministers have also promised NHS reform and investment in new technology to ensure the money is not wasted – and have promised they will push the health service to '110 per cent capacity'.

This crisis is not something we can technologicise our way out of, given the NHS's - hell, the civil service entire's - track record with overspending and under-delivering on IT.  

It's the people that screw up, the computers just help them to do it more efficiently.


  1. What are they short of?
    Beds? No.Nightingale stadia full of them.
    Nurses? Yes. How many can they train up in a few months? Plus replace the ones not getting the wonder-chem who will be laid off.
    Doctors? Well, lets pay them more so that they can reduce their 3 day week to 2 days and retire even earlier. And buy the GPs bigger screens so that they can see their patients better.
    Managers? Now you are talking. Somebody has to hold meetings to discuss how the spondulicks is to be spent. After all, wouldn't want to not spend the yearly budget. Next years might be cut. Better to go over budget. Gimme more.
    And of course, your diversity directors. No need to wait for them to complete 5, or 10 years of training. Just find a crony who needs an extra 100k or so for a short 2 day week, generous expenses for fact finding jollies, and rope your family or "partner" in as well.earlier
    Patients? This last year has shown that the NHS does not need them. The budget still gets busted without those nuisances cluttering up the facilities.

  2. Leeching bastards. Set to be more despised than the Filth.

  3. I say again: the NHS is a top-heavy self-serving bureaucracy which has been allowed to forget - or ignore - the reason for its existence. The wuflu shambles has confirmed it.

  4. I understand that the NHS is reported to be the 5th largest employer IN THE WORLD. I wonder how many jobs, paid for by the tax payer, are concerned with HR, diversity management, BLM and LGBGT partnerships? Not forgetting, by the way, the person who buys all the mops for the tik tok dance videos.A true politician would make a condition of extra money from the public teat, that every post be justified.
    Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for an appointment, after 2 years, for a consultant to assess whether I need a new hip.

  5. As soon as I heard about Bojo's huge cash injection to keep "Our" NHS afloat, I wondered how long before more reports of highly paid "Non Jobs" would appear. I didn't have to wait long:

  6. Both my wife and younger daughter work for the NHS as nurses, wife in the pediatric outpatients and daughter in the acute cardiac ward. Both state with outrage at the blatant waste of money and resources in the NHS which leaves those on the real front-line grossly understaffed and over-worked. Daughter's night-shift is from 2200 to 0800. The ward she works on requires intensive care and observation of each and every patient. Great care has to be taken over the administration of the correct drugs in the right dosage to the correct patients. Two nights ago daughter and one other nurse had to tend to EIGHTEEN very ill patients. All of the mutitudinour 'managers' and 'supervisory' staff were all at home abed. Daughter came home totally exhausted only to be faced with the same circumstances the next shift.

  7. I can't understand the problem, Boris has just told us the Conservatives are the party of low taxation at a time when taxes are at their highest level for 70 years. Looks like we are going to get a whole lot more of these tax rises in the next few months presumably making the tax burden even less than it is now. Newspeak has become the official language of the UK at last.

  8. "What are they short of?"

    Common sense and a shred of hoonesty.

    "Leeching bastards. Set to be more despised than the Filth."

    No, like the 'ordinary beat copper' they are mythologised as 'angels' and blame goes to 'them at the top'. Because people fail to realise that 'them at the top' aren't the ones doing, only telling. All it takes is for those doing to realise that.

    "The wuflu shambles has confirmed it."

    It has been quite a useful pandemic in a lot of respects, hasn't it? It's made a lot of people look at the way we live and work (and play) with new eyes.

    "I wonder how many jobs, paid for by the tax payer, are concerned with HR, diversity management, BLM and LGBGT partnerships?"

    All of the new ones they've announced, as microdave points out!

    "Both state with outrage at the blatant waste of money and resources in the NHS..."

    They should leave. Because I cannot ever see it improving while we have 'conservatives' in charge.

    "Looks like we are going to get a whole lot more of these tax rises in the next few months ..."

    Yes, there's more certainty about taxes than death (in a NHS ward).
