Thursday 30 September 2021

Skewed Priorities...

The IOPC swings into action:
It concluded in December that PC Scott should face gross misconduct proceedings.
A police disciplinary panel held on Friday last week ruled that PC Scott - who had been suspended from duty during the investigation - should be dismissed after the case was proven.
Gosh! Did he confess to a colleague that he had 'an attraction to brutal sexual pornography'? Was he accused of several indecent exposure incidents?

No, don't be silly!   
IOPC regional director Miranda Biddle said: 'There is no place in policing for officers who make offensive comments of any kind, whether on or off duty and whether in a public or private forum.
'We assessed the comments made on Facebook as a whole and concluded that PC Scott had a case to answer for gross misconduct.'

It's illuminating to see the things that the police consider beyond the pale, isn't it? And the warning signs that don't appear to trouble them at all. 

'His comments were also deemed to have a detrimental impact on the wider public confidence and perception of the force.'

I couldn't care less if a police officer fails to go along with the top brass perception of St George Floyd, or doesn't consider that having a man pretend to be a female police officer is somehow a good thing. But knowing that you're protecting a future rapist and murderer? 

Well, that's a concern.  


  1. There's no place in the fuzz for someone who has a personal opinion AND he lampooned our patron saint AND he used an easily available (sorry, far right) photo meme to do it. Now, I wonder why so many of the great British public hold the fuzz in utter contempt . . .

  2. Failing to consult the 'right' news sources, JuliaM?

    Quite a number of Northumbria plod were recently sacked for a variety of 'grossly offensive' offences. This Filth included those who were drink driving, thieving, dealing in confiscated drugs, assault and offences against children. Indeed, the very same kind of dodgy, hypocritical Filth who would (with far less cunning in the normal concealment of plod crime) make overt and derogatory comments on Facebook, concerning lawful protest.

  3. "Now, I wonder why so many of the great British public hold the fuzz in utter contempt . . ."

    It's no longer the mystery it once was...

    "Indeed, the very same kind of dodgy, hypocritical Filth who would (with far less cunning in the normal concealment of plod crime) make overt and derogatory comments on Facebook, concerning lawful protest."

    *yawns* We aren't discussing 'lawful protest' when we pour scorn on BLM, MTG.
