Monday 13 September 2021

Some 'Puppy'..!

The owner of a German Shepherd puppy which attacked a young boy as he playing with his friends has been jailed for 16 months.

A puppy? What harm could a puppy d... 

The victim suffered puncture wounds and a broken arm and needed emergency surgery under general anaesthetic.


It was the second time in a fortnight Beau the Alsatian had attacked the same child.

Wait, what..?! 

A destruction order has now been issued for the animal and the owner has been disqualified from keeping dogs for 10 years.

Wow, some actual jail time and a ban! There must have been some aggravating circumstance, surely? 

Price, who runs his own landscape gardening business, later went to see the injured boy's family and suggested the matter could be "kept quiet" with the broken arm being attributed to the youngster falling off his bike.

But wait, wasn't this the second time this brute - sorry, I mean 'puppy' - had been out of control? 

The court heard the attack happened two weeks after Beau had bitten the same boy – again after getting out of the house.
This earlier incident resulted in only minor injuries and it had not been been reported to the police at the time after Price apologised and reassured his parents it was a "one-off".

Heh! They are clearly idiots. But surely there must be more aggravating features than this, which is standard behaviour for dangerous dog owners? 

He has 15 previous convictions for 25 offences.

Ah. There it is.  

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