Sunday 26 September 2021

Sunday Funnies...

Who watches these for the science anyway..?


  1. In the case of comics they don't even pretend to be realistic. Even Star Trek, that did try to be scientific made some terrible gaffes. Who cares it is only entertainment.

  2. I am/was an engeneer. And I drank/drink a lot.
    Never got pissed. Never disgraced myself. Never insulted a lady or the thick as pig swill customer. So that last one on Bond is A1, milspec, premium grade bollox.
    I can reference Sir Winston Churchill who if he had been TT and a non smoker would still be alive.
    As for the rest, I watch these movies and take them as I do Harry Potter.
    The hands/paws of giant creatures swinging their arms about must be supersonic.
    These monsters would also sink into the ground, or roadway.
    Enterprise slows from warp factor 8 to 3 in a second and the crew just lean foward, or back a little, instead of becoming mush similar to tomato ketchup up in the front end.
    Thugs slog it out for ages when in reality one of those punches would be fatal, and leave the puncher with a soggy fist.
    On the lighter side, eyeballs are spherical. So next time you see a Disney cartoon heroine just figure out how small her brain must be.

  3. " Who cares it is only entertainment."

    Ah, if only more people took the sensible view! We'd all be happier.

    "Enterprise slows from warp factor 8 to 3 in a second and the crew just lean foward, or back a little..."

    And if they take a git in the rear, the control panels on the bridge explode in a shower of sparks! Who let that one get past Starfleet H&S?
