Thursday 23 September 2021

This Is Why Shoplifting Is Considered A Career In Certain Sections Of Society...

A trio of female thieves - with 16 children between them - went shoplifting at Bluewater Shopping Centre where they swiped £2,500 worth of perfume.

Shoplifters, eh? Professions, eh? Large families, eh? 

And when one of the shoplifters - who all identified themselves as Orthrodox Christian Roma women - was later asked why she had done it, she replied: "The devil possessed me!"

As expected. *sighs* 

Maidstone Crown Court heard how the three had stashed 21 bottles of expensive perfume among four layers of skirts, with special pockets which were worn over trousers.

First offence? *laughs* 

All three live in the Tottenham area in north London and have previous convictions for theft or going equipped to steal.
Each received jail sentences suspended for two years and were ordered to carry out 250 hours of unpaid work for the community.

It'd be funny if it wasn't such a headache for the retail industry.  

The judge, Recorder Patricia Hitchcock QC told her: "You are clearly a regular shoplifter, but now that must stop. You said you had no intention of selling the perfume and that you are illiterate and you didn't know how valuable the perfume was.
"But you had 12 of the 21 bottles in pockets in your many layers of skirts. You were clearly going to sell them for profit."
The judge added that while she accepted that their religion and culture involved women wearing long skirts that didn't include special pockets and slits in the material.

Then put them where they belong, judge - behind bars! 


  1. "Then put them where they belong, judge" - in Romania.

  2. Watching YouTube train rides through Romania and Ukraine, the lines sometimes go through Roma camps. These places are big and the trash and worse visible, even from the train, is truly astounding. Mountains of filth everywhere. It has to be said, they're a very dirty people.

  3. It's really sad when genuine Zingaros are reduced to thieving.

  4. I'm jot detain who should be locked up first, the thieving gypsies or the morons sat on the judicial benches. If the devil really did possess them, then burn the witches at the stake.

  5. Many Albanians get a bad press in the UK, but Albanians (and Serbs and Bulgarians) that I talk with maintain that Romanians are the lowest of the low.

  6. When I was patrolling a shopping centre I came across women like these.
    Prolific thieves and utter vermin. They don't wear underwear and when stopped they would insert fingers where the sun doesn't shine and rub it on the police and then allege indecent assault ( they can't do that now as we have cameras).
    They also just used to squat in the street over drains and go to the toilet. No shame.

  7. ""Then put them where they belong, judge" - in Romania."

    And trust Border Farce to keep them out..?

    "...the lines sometimes go through Roma camps. These places are big and the trash and worse visible, even from the train, is truly astounding."

    It's their culture, innit?

    "If the devil really did possess them, then burn the witches at the stake."

    I like your thinking!

    "Many Albanians get a bad press in the UK, but Albanians (and Serbs and Bulgarians) that I talk with maintain that Romanians are the lowest of the low."

    My Lithuanian neighbour had some choice words for them recently...

    "Prolific thieves and utter vermin. They don't wear underwear..."

