Friday 24 September 2021

Well, Sasha, Of Course He Hasn't...

Mitigating, Sasha Bailey told the hearing Ozols is sorry and shows remorse for his actions.
She said: “He is ashamed of his actions and causing these injuries which this woman has to now live with the impact of.
Drinking is clearly the problem for him and he has now fully realised this. His intention is to stop completely and has not been drinking while in custody (Ed: Errrr, well, yes...). His partner has very little money and is selling personal items to get by.”'s jail, not Weatherspoons! 

Sentencing Ozols, judge Shane Collery said: “When you committed these offences you had been banned from driving and had four convictions for excess drinking. There was evident disregard for the court orders and bans and sentences.
“You would have had to be an idiot not to know driving when this drunk is dangerous.”

You'd have to be an idiot to think he's ever going to stop, too, 

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