Monday 11 October 2021

This Is Why Lazy, Irresponsible Police Farces Need To Take Dog-On-Dog Attacks Seriously...

...the attack continued despite his desperate efforts, and he suffered severe bite wounds to his hands and arms trying to fend them off.
Izzy’s cries were heard by residents, one of whom hit the dogs with a stick to try and stop the attack but with no effect.

Pity no-one in the area had an axe.  

Police officers quickly arrived and managed to the get the dogs off, and a dog handler was able to contain them.

An ARV would have 'contained them' a hell of a lot better... 

Izzy’s owner received first aid by paramedics before being taken to hospital for treatment.
An officer rushed Izzy to a vets, she was then taken to a specialist vets, but died the next day from her severe injuries.

At least arrests were made, this time...

The English bull terriers had escaped from an insecure garden in Alfreton Road. Tomasz and Magdalena Adamowicz, aged 41 and 38, pleaded guilty to two counts of being the owner/person in charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury.

And what punishment do the owners get? Sod all: 

Appearing at Nottingham Crown Court on Thursday, September, 30, they were both given eight-month prison sentences, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to pay £4,700 compensation. The court ordered the dogs to be destroyed.
The attack happened on October 3. Unless there's been an error, or British courts are capable of time travel, these useless mutts have been languishing at Her Majesty's pleasure for over a year...
Police Constable Ryan Lewis, from Nottinghamshire Police, said: “This was an extremely distressing incident for all those involved and who saw this attack which resulted in a dog dying from its injuries and her brave owner suffering severe injuries.”

Well, PC Lewis, I guess no-one could have forese...


“The owners of these dogs were previously issued with a community protection warning in June 2020 following a report of a dog-on-dog attack involving their dogs.
“They were warned to keep their dogs under control, muzzled and within the boundaries of their garden but both accepted their garden had not been properly secured since this previous incident.”

Because when owners of known vicious dogs are issued with conditions, no one checks

So stop issuing conditions, go straight to destriuction orders and then maybe elderly men can walk their labradors in peace, and not wind up in hospital. 


  1. Clarkson's Law.

  2. Anyone here actually believe that the compensation will ever be paid?

  3. "Deportation"

    Of which set of worthless animals?

    "Clarkson's Law."

    If only... *sighs*

    "Anyone here actually believe that the compensation will ever be paid?"

