Monday 1 November 2021

NHI* In London...

A man who fatally stabbed the brother of rapper 21 Savage while out shopping for his grandmother has been jailed...


...for 10 years.

Wait, what? 10 years? Is that all? 

Tyrece Fuller knifed 27-year-old Terrell Davis-Emmons with a Rambo-style blade on a housing estate in Brixton, south London, in November last year.


A court heard that both men had been armed when the fight broke out, but Fuller lunged at his victim after he had put his machete back into its sheath.


Fuller has been jailed for 10 years after being found guilty of manslaughter during a trial in July, but was cleared of murder.
But the 22-year-old killer refused to leave prison and attend the sentencing hearing for his conviction for manslaughter, prompting the judge to remark on his 'lack of courage' to do so.

It's only to be expected, though... 

*No Humans Involved 


  1. When Quhoon meets Quhoon, they have a stabbing match.

    No stop and searc of black youths because BLDNM (to other blacks).

  2. "No stop and searc of black youths because BLDNM (to other blacks)."

    And that's fine with me. So let's stop wasting public money on them.
