Monday 27 December 2021

It Should Leave Them Furious And Ready To Riot...

Teenagers with autism and Down's syndrome were offered 'Do Not Resuscitate' orders during routine appointments with their GP during the pandemic, it has emerged.
Many parents believe their child has been 'discriminated against' and say they were only asked about the order because of their learning disability.
The DNR orders were reportedly offered following 'concerns about the pressure on the NHS' - but it has left families confused and 'upset'.
I wonder if any of them previously lined their streets and clapped for 'the heroic doctors and nurses of the NHS'..?
NHS England wrote to medics last year as the pandemic struck reminding them of guidance that learning disability should never be a reason for issuing a DNR.

Perhaps none of them could read the handwriting? 

Shocked parents are now worried their child could have agreed to the order because they may have not 'understood the question', according to an investigation by the Daily Telegraph.

Which was why it was offered, of course. They knew what they were doing.  

Jeremy Hunt, chairman of the Commons health committee, said: 'This kind of hidden prejudice must be stamped out.'

It's not hidden at all, Jeremy, is it? It's right out there in the open, and in contravention of direct orders. The NHS is out of control and needs to be brought to heel.  


  1. "National Death Service" is becomeing more real every day.
    Despite that, a belated Happy Christmas, everyone.

  2. Since there were clear guidelines on this matter, who were the vile people who thought that this was a good idea?

  3. There has been a great deal of (exaggerated) discussion about the ‘desensitising’ that occurs in HM Forces, and Nil. Nada. Zip. Zilch about the very real same occurring in the NHS.

    Some is inevitable, seeing blood and gore, suffering and distress on an hourly basis for years ‘will’ have a toll. Burn-out is a regular, and very real, occurrence. Yet … there ’are’ those who seem to ‘thrive’ (I hesitate to say … enjoy) not just ‘the job’ but such scenarios (way too many to be comfortable with). Such people both self-select, and ‘become the norm’ in ‘certain’ areas of practice (and in ‘all’ management positions – time-served/seniority/people-like-us promotions).

    So, not only do you have a system that filters and selects preferentially for those whose ‘callous nature’ is deemed/presented as a superior ability at ‘coping’, but those (and the few ‘normals’ who sneak through) are daily desensitised to what they do. Throw in a bit of The Stanford Experiment and you have a recipe for … what we see.

    As a student I was ‘required’ to attend a certain type of clinic. I have seen the stacks of five-gallon buckets (in the sluice - can't show humanity or respect, keep them with the refuse and dross) with ‘clumps of cells’ (Hint: you don’t need a bucket that size for ‘cells’, think how large something would be to need it) in them and, most disturbingly the, not just unmoved, or even jocular, but the ‘smuggly satisfied’ attitude of those working there shocked me to my core. (I have been in multiple war-zones, seen atrocities that would give you gibbering nightmares, but … this is still amongst the worst of mine).

    So? ‘Some’ staff view DNRing ‘undesirables’ a worthy goal? Just like some view injecting you, ‘your’ grandma and children with the clot-shot and … only complain about it when ‘they’ have to take it. Some who deliberately and intentionally throw the decades long protocols out the window and ‘assist’ the non-vaxxed to die. …

    You need to become considerably more cynical than you can imagine to even approach what the NHS really is.

  4. Didn't the German National Socialists use Cyclon B for what it deemed to be a good idea? I wonder what the National (Socialist) Health Service is using in it's place?I

  5. Anon.
    The National Socialists were not so heartless at first.
    The children were taken on bus tours in delightfully decorated buses.
    However somebody made the mistake of keeping the little darlings warm by feeding the bus exhaust into the passenger compartment.
    Fortunately for the driver, they did not care how cold he/she got.

  6. "Despite that, a belated Happy Christmas, everyone."

    And to you! I hope you ignored governmernt advice and MSM shit-stirring and did whatever you personally deemed necessary!

    "Since there were clear guidelines on this matter, who were the vile people who thought that this was a good idea?"

    I guarantee we'll never, ever learn thair names...

    "I have been in multiple war-zones, seen atrocities that would give you gibbering nightmares, but … this is still amongst the worst of mine"

    God, I can imagine. It almost makes me want to believe in Heaven and Hell, because if they did exist, some people would rightly end up where they deserve...

    "Didn't the German National Socialists use Cyclon B..."

    Only on the 'Galactica'... 😂

    "Fortunately for the driver, they did not care how cold he/she got."

