Tuesday 28 December 2021

You'd Have To Have A Heart Of Stone...

...luckily, I have: 

Grace's mum Alice Quine broke down as she read out a statement in court: ''My life hasn’t been the same since the day I lost Grace, and it never will be again.
"I lost everything in that moment.'.

Maybe you should have reconsidered your choice of bedmate, then?

Earlier text messages on Jackson's phone revealed he was quick to lose his temper if he was short of cash to buy daily cannabis.
Analysis of Grace's hair showed cannabis had been smoked in the house in the months before November 10.


The pathologist Dr. Bolton concluded that her head injuries were caused by her being 'stamped on''.
There were four other injuries to her skull, caused by being punched or kicked. Her broken leg was consistent with her leg being bent back and injuries to her abdomen were in line with being punched or kicked.
Jackson had, ''pinched, pulled or grabbed'' Grace's cheeks and body- causing numerous bruises. The post mortem also found, ''old'' bruises and that Grace's ribs had been fractured 1-3 weeks earlier.

Chalk another success up to underclass women and their choices. It's a wonder any of these kids survive long enough to be neglected by the State's agents, isn't it? 


  1. Why the fuck do we have to keep a subhuman like this alive for a moment longer than necessary? Sure, he demands execution. But so does the child's mother who was essentially an accomplice.

  2. "Old injuries"

    So this was going on for weeks/months and ... 'mom' (I nearly choked typing that in relation to this breeder) never saw nuffing?

    I grow so weary of the usual pussy-pass excuses of not seeing, not knowing, all the while colluding, covering-up and defending the scum (she obviously knew was) abusing her child. Then automatically claiming innocence and victimhood (followed predictably by the usual 'donate money to me so I can afford to get drunk, shag some other scrote and do it all again' plea).

    She may not be 'as' guilty as the 'thing' but she's guilty, and deserves to be punished almost as much (although morally I'd say more so, he attacked/murdered 'a' child, she sacrificed 'her own' child for a shag, a smoke and some attention - may she burn).

  3. Watching wildlife programmes we learn that when a male lion takes over a pride he kills the cubs from the previous dominant male. Perhaps this is just nature for these low-lifes?

  4. "Why the fuck do we have to keep a subhuman like this alive for a moment longer than necessary? "

    Because we're 'humane', I guess. 🥺

    "So this was going on for weeks/months and ... 'mom' (I nearly choked typing that in relation to this breeder) never saw nuffing?"

    They never do, do they?

    "Watching wildlife programmes we learn that when a male lion takes over a pride he kills the cubs from the previous dominant male. Perhaps this is just nature for these low-lifes?"

    I like lions. We need more lions. And we need to feed these 'parents' to them at the first opportunity.
