Monday 10 January 2022

Another Day, Another American Bulldog Bites The Hand That Fed It...

This called for extreme measures:

The police were called after the pet rounded on its owner. A helicopter was also called to the location after the dog fled the property in Exeter, Devon.

I hope someone had a tape of 'Ride of the Valkyries' to hand... 

The owners consented that the dog should be put down in the interests of safety.

Why on earth was their consent deemed necessary? 

Inspector Greg Hine of Devon and Cornwall Police said: "The decision to authorise an armed response to this incident was not taken lightly, but we responded proportionately to the risk to public safety.
"Unfortunately, the dog could not be controlled and was humanely put down.
"The owners agreed with our course of action, which we appreciate was upsetting for them and for the community."

Anyone 'upset' by this is an idiot. But then, only an idiot would want one of these things as a 'pet' in the first place... 

H/T: Ian J via comments and Peter Wells via email


  1. As it costs £1,000 an hour to keep the helicopter flying, that should be the first item on the bill sent to the owner - but we know it won't be.

  2. I gave a home to a stray Terrier. All went well for a couple of days until I found that it enjoyed savaging sheep.As my home was surrounded by fields of sheep, the Terrier took a one way trip to the vet.There is no way I would contemplate any dog that had an aggressive nature.

  3. "As it costs £1,000 an hour to keep the helicopter flying, that should be the first item on the bill sent to the owner..."


    "There is no way I would contemplate any dog that had an aggressive nature."

    Sad, but the responsible thing to do. There are so many dogs in need, why take a risk?
