Friday 14 January 2022

Can He Survive This...?

Downing Street staff allegedly boozed ‘excessively’ at two leaving parties the night before the Queen was forced to grieve alone at the Duke of Edinburgh’s Covid-secure funeral last year, it has emerged tonight.
Government advisers and civil servants drank large amounts of alcohol and danced in No10’s basement and gardens after work on Friday, April 16, 2021 to mark the departure of Boris Johnson’s press chief James Slack and one of the Prime Minister’s personal photographers, according to The Telegraph.
Because those optics are hard to get out from under; the Queen grieving alone, obeying the rules, while the so-called leaders of the country turned a blind eye to parties in their very offices...
A No10 spokesman insisted that Mr Johnson was not in Downing Street that day, having left for the Chequers country estate on Thursday evening and staying there through to Saturday.
It doesn't matter - he's the boss. Isn't the buck supposed to stop with him?


  1. The Queen will do just as she likes and anyone attempting to prevent that will find themselves facing the business end of some nasty pointed things in short order, she proved she was fully on board with the narrative when she told us we were selfish for not being injected with some experimental concoction the makers of which have been granted immunity from action against when it causes damage.

  2. I so want that idiot gone. I know his replacement is likely to be not better, maybe even worse, but I've had all I can take of that muppet
    Actually, prison would be better than just, gone

  3. Either these clowns ignored sensible rules through sheer arrogance, or these morons knew that the whole covid distancing rules were a sham. Whichever it was, they should all be prosecuted or fired and also made to write a personal letter of apology to the Queen, and an open letter, published in every newspaper, to all those who were separated from their loved ones. This also applies to you, Starmer.

  4. "It doesn't matter - he's the boss".

    In which (naive?) reality do you live?

    I suspect he has no more say as to what 'government' policy is than you or I. He's the scapegoat-figurehead whilst those behind the scenes (or in 'nominally' inferior positions) make the decisions he (and ultimately the cuck-servatives) will be blamed for.

    I've said elsewhere. Consider the very beginning of the farce, he was patently intending to follow the 'Swedish model', without all the panic-porn until ... the phone-calls from WHO, WEF, World Bank, EU, China and America threatening 'repercussions' and ... a complete 180 and draconian lock-downs began. (I don't know if it was 'just' that or 'more personal'. Threats? Blackmail? Bribes? Although his new handler - I mean wife is obviously a true believer).

    Since then the constant, repeated, blatantly imbecilic 'gaffs' he's making remind me of nothing so much as 'the hostage blinking a message'. Showing his 'reluctance? Trying to mitigate the excesses? Just trying to expose? I don't know but 'something's wrong'!

    [If your automatic assumption is cowardice, at least reconsider in the light of just how many (real) scientists, (real)journalists, generals and ... world leaders have recently, mysteriously and purely coincidentally died when opposing the 'plan'. What would you do?]

  5. "one of the Prime Minister’s personal photographers,"

    Boris has several personal photographers? Aren't there enough press photographers following him around?

  6. "...she proved she was fully on board with the narrative when she told us we were selfish for not being injected with some experimental concoction the makers of which have been granted immunity from action against when it causes damage."

    I fear you may be right. A misstep and she doesn't make those often.

    "I know his replacement is likely to be not better, maybe even worse, but I've had all I can take of that muppet"

    Yes, I'm coming around to that point of view. Anyone but Rishi, mind...

    "Either these clowns ignored sensible rules through sheer arrogance, or these morons knew that the whole covid distancing rules were a sham."

    A little from column A, a little from column B..?

    "I suspect he has no more say as to what 'government' policy is than you or I. He's the scapegoat-figurehead whilst those behind the scenes (or in 'nominally' inferior positions) make the decisions he (and ultimately the cuck-servatives) will be blamed for."

    I can't see his ego living with that, frankly.

    "Boris has several personal photographers? Aren't there enough press photographers following him around?"

    Good point!
