Saturday 29 January 2022

Gaslighting On A Grand Scale...

Imagine the convolutions the headline writer must have had to go through... write this headline. 

Although, seeing it's the 'Daily Mail', maybe not!

'It's definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women,' one swimmer on the team told in an exclusive interview.

Naturally, it was an anonymous interview, because the heresy she speaks would draw an immediate act of retribution from the wokeists... 

'Multiple swimmers have raised it, multiple different times,' the UPenn swimmer said. 'But we were basically told that we could not ostracize Lia by not having her in the locker room and that there's nothing we can do about it, that we basically have to roll over and accept it, or we cannot use our own locker room.'

Think back, anonymous swimmers, to what your great grandmothers would have said to that! Do you think their generation would have meekly rolled over and accepted being made a second class citizen? 

'It's really upsetting because Lia doesn't seem to care how it makes anyone else feel,' the swimmer continued. 'The 35 of us are just supposed to accept being uncomfortable in our own space and locker room for, like, the feelings of one.'

Well, of course he doesn't! Surely you must realise what we mostly all know - that forcing others to participate in this utter farce is the main motivation for him? 

'It just seems like the women who built this program and the people who were here before Lia don't matter. And it's frustrating because Lia doesn't really seem to be bothered by all the attention, not at all. Actually she seems like she enjoys it. It's affected all of us way more than it's affected her.'

You could start by refusing to indulge the pointless fiction that this person deserves female pronouns. Or maybe you did, and the 'journalist' reversed this. but I'm betting that's not the case. 

You're in a war, sister, and you don't even realise it! 

The school released a terse statement last month that it was offering mental health services to student-athletes.

See? According to the wokesters, you - and your fellow female swimmers - are the ones who are mentally ill. And if you don't start fighting back against this insanity, you're dishonouring all those women who came before you and said 'No! We aren't second class citizens, we want our rights, and we'll fight for them!'. 


  1. What! Thirty-five young fit women against one 'woman with male body parts (i.e. dangly bits)---- s/he do not stand a chance.

  2. If "it" is obviously attracted to women then all its bits are obviously not dangling.
    The solution is to get it to display its attraction to young ladies just before mounting the starting blocks, or whatever they call them things, and the increased drag will make it uncompetitive.I
    I have just thought of a wee snag. What if it is not well enough endowed to create any drag.I
    Just start referring to it as "Wee Willie".
    Alternatively each girl should get a well endowed "pal" to substitute, how could any fair minded person object, for them on one occasion.
    But this last suggestion would need the sense of humour of a rugby team.

  3. DAD, don't forget up to thirty-five boyfriends, brothers and fathers joining in.

  4. Homosexuales are a small percentage of the population, and transsexuals are a vanishingly small percentage. So what are the odds that so many transsexuals, especially male to female, are homosexual? Weird!

  5. I wouldn't have the brass neck to get naked in a women's locker room while claiming to be a woman. However, being surrounded by naked and semi naked women would definitely render my dangly bits considerably less dangly.

  6. Robert the Biker29 January 2022 at 18:10

    Sorry, but the solution is simple; tell the woke coach that he can either have one bloke in a frock swimmer, or thirty five actual girls, not both. thing is, you must all stand together, refuse to train with bollocky, refuse to compete, and ultimately, refuse to bow to the woke wanks

  7. @Robert The problem with that is they would let them all go because management are too scared to take it further.

    These people are mentally deranged. What they should do is compared his dangly bits with their boyfriends negatively and back each other up when he complains. Deny doing it while smirk and laugh when it is raised in front of him. That should get a reaction. Just do it in a group so when he reacts you have plenty of witnesses.

  8. Just more evidence that the west is dying.
    A strong and healthy society wouldn't allow this nonsense. The man-part bearing man wouldn't be allowed into a female changing room. They would have been dragged out by the nearest man, given a sound beating then arrested for lewd behaviour or disturbing the peace, or something.
    The crazies have always been with just used to be the they were put in their place, not indulged under threat of lawfare.

  9. "...s/he do not stand a chance."

    Sadly, the entire system appears to have been hijacked, so what would ordinarily happen...can't!

    "I have just thought of a wee snag. What if it is not well enough endowed to create any drag.I"


    "So what are the odds that so many transsexuals, especially male to female, are homosexual?"

    Indeed, a puzzle!

    "...thing is, you must all stand together..."

    Spot on!

    "Just more evidence that the west is dying."

    If we don't fight back, it's soon going to be too late. I fear it already may be.
