Monday 3 January 2022

I Really Don't Know Why You'd Think That, Amazon...

...since you delivered the one I treated myself to only last week!


  1. Is the one delivered to you still working? Better to be prepared, take 'em while you can.

  2. Senora O'Blene has a new one from one of our daughters, and the instruction manual is 53 pages long...

  3. I'd like one whose battery lasts more than a day and doesn't waste it generating Amazon spam.

  4. I've been getting ads urging me to join the gym that I've been a member of since 2016. At this time of the year the game at the gym is 'spot the resolutionaries'. You tend to see plenty of new faces and you have to work out which ones will still be coming in February.

  5. "Is the one delivered to you still working?"

    Like a charm! They are bombproof - the flaw in my old one, and the reason for replacement, was the damaged screen, nothing else.

    "...and the instruction manual is 53 pages long..."

    Oddly, very little seems to come with any sort of instruction manual now - maybe if you're lucky, a link to a website.

    "I'd like one whose battery lasts more than a day..."

    Time for a replacement then!

    "...and you have to work out which ones will still be coming in February."

    Heh! 'Tis the season! ;)
