Friday 28 January 2022

Put The Dangerous Bitch Down...

A schoolboy had to have stitches in his leg after being mauled by a trainee police dog at a cop’s house on Christmas Day.

There's taking your work home, and then, there's this: 

Sergeant Fleur Tedshill, an experienced dog handler for West Midlands Police, had been looking after the training pup at her home in Brierley Hill, Birmingham.
The black dog, called Penny, was being trained by the police officer after her working police dog Snap retired.
Sgt Tedshill and her family had been celebrating Christmas Day when the attack on the boy took place. Penny has now been removed from the home and placed into West Midlands Police’s kennels, and will be reassessed.

What? I really think you should cut your losses, don't you? 

“We are still investigating this incident and the matter has been referred to our professional standards department, as is standard practice in incidents such as these.”

 I don't see any Bonio in your future...


  1. Poor thing...forced to celebrate with a morsel of plodmeat. I do hope Fleur saved the mutt some Christmas pud for 'afters'.

  2. The story in the paper does not appear to give full details of the incident. Did the puppy suddenly take an instant dislike to the child, or did the child do something to the puppy first and, being a child itself, it reacted? I'm not a dog lover, but would hesitate to blame the puppy until all the facts were known.

  3. Is there any significance to the colour of the dog?

  4. “The nine-year-old was taken to hospital where they received stitches to their leg."

    Blimey. 9 years old and already choosing their personal pronouns.

  5. "The story in the paper does not appear to give full details of the incident."

    Do they ever?

    "Is there any significance to the colour of the dog?"


    "Blimey. 9 years old and already choosing their personal pronouns."

    I wouldn't be surprised! But I think it's yet more 'journalism', sadly...
