Tuesday 18 January 2022

Throw The Kitchen Sink In Too...

Nicholas Lewin, defending, said the defendant had recently been diagnosed with ADHD, had been proscribed (sic) medication and was not a 'sophisticated criminal'.

Well, I assume that sophisticated criminals don't commit their crimes while being filmed, so, yes... 

'Mr Roberts is not a rampant fire starter, twisted or other,' he said. 'The issue of impulsive behaviour becomes more acute for someone who suffers from that condition.

Better not go to riots then... 

'He is someone on the fringes of society who is perhaps not equipped to be fully integrated within it - I am trying not to be politically incorrect. He is not your average criminal.

Oh, he's decidedly average for Bristol! 

'He is content for me to call him Mr Roberts. He has in fact adopted a they or them and adopted a different persona in prison.
'Custody for him will be considerably more difficult than it would be for somebody without his difficulties.'
Well, he's got 14 years to change his mind again...


  1. Well, a decent sentence at least. Keep the POS off our streets for a bit. The only difficulties I see are those suffered by everyone who might come into contact with him.

  2. Good thing Kyle Rittenhouse wasn't there.

  3. "Well, a decent sentence at least. "

    It's a start...

    "Good thing Kyle Rittenhouse wasn't there."

