Tuesday 25 January 2022

"We tried to save her. He had this big knife so no one wanted to go near."

Mr Jiyad said the driver's actions were heroic and described how he himself tried to save the woman: 'I tried to speak to her as she was bleeding and held her as she took her last breath. I have blood on my hand from it.'
His wife, who asked not be named, added: 'The driver wasn't driving very fast but nothing could take the guy from the lady. The driver was the only one who could do anything.'

Your reminder, should you need more, that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. 

But should you manage to fight back, they'll turn up and arrest you for daring to do what they can't or often won't: 

Police arrived within minutes and were seen leading the driver into the back of a police van. Officers said a 26-year-old man was being questioned on suspicion of murder.
Detective Chief Inspector Jim Eastwood said: 'This was a terrible incident that occurred in broad daylight on a busy London street. It also appears that a number of members of the public bravely tried to intervene to stop the attack.'

Well, don't worry, no-one will do that again now... 

Local MP Karen Buck said what happened was 'horrific' and 'devastating' for both relatives of those killed and the surrounding community.

And the man who tried to do the right thing and now finds himself caught in the gears of an uncaring 'justice' system? Any words for him?  


  1. The police finally lost my respect in 1966 when they lied to get me a £5 fine an a point on my licence. They have done very little to regain it since, and by 'very little' I mean fuck all.

  2. Police setting an example of what to do if you see a crime being committed, walk away.

  3. Somewhere up the road an ambulance is stuck, blocked by a multitude of police cars.
    Even the emergency doughnut delivery truck cannot get through.
    The scene of crime overalls must come in L, XL, XXL, XXXL and Standard Met.

  4. The driver has killed two people, he can't just be allowed to walk off without being questioned. We've been here before Julia and this is just a lazy post to attract the Huddersfield half-wit and his mates.
    If the story happened as reported then he will be released without charge. But imagine the horror if the police let him go at the scene and he wasn't innocent? I can already hear the squealing from the usual suspects.

  5. They keep demanding better quality gear. But it remains that an arsehole in a Hugo Boss designed uniform, is still an arsehole.

  6. Robert the Biker25 January 2022 at 20:17

    Hopefully the CPS will go "Not in the public interest", and toss it before it ever gets to trial

  7. Just seen the update.
    Usual suspect, usual victim....despite her choice in men it's going to be all the fault of the police.

  8. "The police finally lost my respect in 1966 when they lied to get me a £5 fine an a point on my licence."

    It's really a lot more than 'one bad apple' at this point, isn't it?

    "Police setting an example of what to do if you see a crime being committed, walk away."

    If you know what's good for you. Well, I'll certainly bear this in mind if I ever see a cop getting stabbed!

    "The scene of crime overalls must come in L, XL, XXL, XXXL and Standard Met."

    And they can't blame 'all the gear we have to carry' either!

    "The driver has killed two people, he can't just be allowed to walk off without being questioned."

    Who is asking that no questions be asked of him, then, Jaded? No-one here that I can see.

    Happy that he should be asked - as a witness. Not as a suspect.

    "If the story happened as reported then he will be released without charge."

    He's not been, though, has he? He's been released on bail. While the lazy risk-averse cops cover their arses, hoping the CPS will punt it out (Robert's right, they probably will). Well, he's lawyered up and is winning the PR battle.

    And people have now lost even more respect for the cops...

    "Just seen the update.
    Usual suspect, usual victim....despite her choice in men it's going to be all the fault of the police."

    Whoa, hold up! This wasn't someone who insisted on not pressing charges. She had a restraining order, about which when he breached it the police did...well?

    Yeah. Nothing. As usual.
