Friday 21 January 2022

"You never had control! That's the illusion! "

His barrister Herc Ashworth said Beau had been tethered by a rope lead but the leather handle had ripped and broken as he lunged at the child.
He said: "This is a terrible case but it was a momentary loss of control. It was an isolated incident."

It should be, yes, because the dog should be getting a one-way trip to the vet but probably won't be since the dog is clearly allowed one bite, since the idiot magistrates probably think 'Well, I won't be going to that pub...'

Beau, who is currently in kennels, was given a contingent destruction order by the court which means he will be neutered, have behavioural training and only be allowed out in public on a muzzle and lead.

One that's not frayed? 

Exeter magistrates sentenced him to a 12-month-long community order with 100 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay £680 costs, including £500 compensation to the injured child.

Exeter again? What the hell is wrong with the place? 

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