Sunday 6 February 2022

Sunday Funnies...

It's good to be the k...wait, what?


  1. He, she or it managed to avoid the marriage and birth customs whereby a committee of church men and nobles had to witness the consummation and subsequent birth just to prove both had actually happened, and there had been no sly substitution of a sire or an heir.
    Origin of term jiggery-pokery.
    Of course now we are far more sophisticated. We have "apps" by which consent by all parties concerned can be recorded and "selfies" to record the events. And show the world.
    My, how we have advanced.

  2. And another thing.
    Why does the commode Royal have lock on the lid?
    I can think of a few possible reasons.

  3. "Origin of term jiggery-pokery."

    I'm only surprised no-one's tried to outlaw that term...yet!

    "I can think of a few possible reasons."

