Friday 18 March 2022

All Together Now...

The officer who fatally shot 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant last year was cleared of wrongdoing after a grand jury dropped all charges against him.

Because she had a knife

"It’s always sad when there is a loss of life, however, the actions of the people at scene, caused him to take action that saved lives and he is trained very well," Fraternal Order of Police President Jeff Simpson told ABC 6. "He did his job, and it is a good outcome."

Because she had a knife

At a briefing last year, White House press secretary Jen Psaki called the shooting "tragic." “She was a child," Psaki said.

With a knife.  


  1. "family members were "disappointed" in the grand jury's decision to drop charges and said the foster care system in charge of the teenager had failed Bryant."

    Always someone else fault. And always said without a hint of guilt or shame

  2. "We believe that the tragedy that ultimately resulted in Ma'Khia's death started long before..."

    Yep, the day she was conceived.

  3. "Always someone else fault. And always said without a hint of guilt or shame"

    'I dindu nuthin!'

  4. "Always someone else fault. And always said without a hint of guilt or shame"

    Those are alien concepts in this 'community'...

    "Yep, the day she was conceived."

    Sadly, yes. Almost certainly.

    "'I dindu nuthin!'"

