Wednesday 16 March 2022

But The Dog Gets Named...

Two people have been charged over the horrific death of ten-year-old boy mauled to death by a dog called Beast.
Little Jack Lis suffered 'severe injuries to the head and neck' when he was set upon while playing at his friend's home.
A 28-year-old woman and 19-year-old man will appear in court in connection with Jack's death.

And who are they? The justice system doesn't seem to want to name them. Though everyone in the village must know who they are... 

The pair, who haven't been named, are understood to have taken American bully Beast from a breeder just days before the tragedy.
Both are charged with being in the charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury resulting in death.
The 19-year-old man is accused of five further offences connected to two alleged attacks by the dog in the days before Jack's death.

Seems a bit unfair that the dog gets named, doesn't it? 


  1. Three attacks in a number of days, you really have to wonder at the mentality of the people owning a dog like this and at the inaction of the police.

  2. Presumably the two people charged are the parents/carers of the boy who the victim was visiting when the attack occurred. In order to protect that juvenile’s identity the scum are not being named.

  3. " really have to wonder at the mentality of the people owning a dog like this..."

    Difficult to figure out which end of the lead is attached to the creature with the lowest IQ, isn't it?

    "Presumably the two people charged are the parents/carers of the boy who the victim was visiting..."

    Almost certainly. Another exercise in futility.
