Saturday 12 March 2022

Drop The Lot!

The British government is reportedly considering ditching its pledge to ban fur and foie gras imports after opposition from within the cabinet.
The new rules, which were due to be part of the animals abroad bill, were expected to be introduced soon. But, according to the BBC, the government is likely to drop the plans due to objections from several cabinet ministers.

Is this a sign of Carrie's malign influence finally beginning to wane..? 

Rees-Mogg believes the government should not impose restrictions on customers and argued that the proposed ban would not benefit animal welfare in the UK.

Well, precisely! But to assume that it would is to assume animal welfare is what drives those pushing for this, and we know that's not the case... 

The new draft legislation intended to improve animal welfare includes a crackdown on hunting animals for trophies and holidays that lead to animal neglect.

Surely the same argument applies to these too?  

But, following debate over how some aspects would be enforced, the bill has been delayed.

How are you going to stop people riding elephants abroad? Are Customs expected to trawl through their holiday snaps? 

This is what happens when you let idiot bunnyhuggers decide policy... 

...animal rights campaigners warned that removing the ban from the bill would lead to anguish.
“A very large number of people will be disappointed if they don’t,” Claire Bass, the executive director of the Humane Society International UK, told the BBC, adding: “People won’t stand for that.”

People mostly don't care about such non-issues, and as we've seen, will stand for pretty much anything so long as 'Strictly' is on and there's no toilet paper shortage in Tesco. So your followers will have a strop and...well, that's it! 

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