Friday 25 March 2022

How Many More..?


A six-year-old girl was left needing medical treatment after being savaged by a pitbull in a shocking moment. 
The dog's owner did little to defend the girl from the vicious creature, instead opting to flee from the scene.


PSNI officers attended the scene of the attack on Saturday afternoon and assisted Áine's father who was holding the vicious dog against a railing.
As he wrestled with the dog, he sustained serious injuries to both arms...


“He was beeping the horn because the dogs were following me and the chap said to the woman 'you're not in control of those dogs’.
"She replied and said ‘they’re not all mine'.

All these cases are linked - children attacked by dogs whose owners are cowards (probably why they chose the mutts in the first place) and who find the authorities are worse than useless (the PSNI are armed, why did they not despatch the vicious animal then and there?).

What's the point of beefing up the Dangerous Dogs Act if there's no - pardon the pun - teeth in it?


  1. It shows that adding 'new' laws does nothing to protect people when the old (simpler) ones were perfectly adequate and didn't allow the lawyers to claim excemptions. (doesn't just apply to dangerous dogs either)

  2. "What's the point of beefing up the Dangerous Dogs Act?" Political virtue signalling. It's then passed down to the closet Frankfurters to make sure sentencing doesn't get out of hand and breach the school rules.

  3. Let's be reasonable, JuliaM. The boys (well, any of 'there' multi-gender combos) in blue, will cheerfully embrace the occupational risk of concealing themselves on grassy knolls in order to leap out on motorists with loaded cameras. What further dangers can you expect these hilariously-queer heroes to submit to?

  4. MTG,
    They could always risk their own lives by entering a building where a knife wielding, murdering, jihadi, was, and arrest him after a struggle. They could then go and hide on your grassy knoll after they have had the blood washed out and been treated for their injuries.
    I really do feel that you're a bitter old moron.

  5. The unwitting element of humour to a contribution fumbled in 'educatid inglish' made me chuckle, anon.

  6. "It shows that adding 'new' laws does nothing to protect people..."

    It never did, yet it still remains popular.
