Monday 14 March 2022

In Future, You Might Want To Hide Your Vile Personality...

A security firm boss was arrested after attempting to remove all the Russian vodka from his local Sainsburys.
Mike Ockelford, 59, got into an argument with the staff at the Basildon of Sainsburys after taking the Russian Standard vodka from the shelves.
He said that after removing the bottles from the shelf, he took them to staff who eventually told him to put them back, leading to a 'slight altercation' with the workers he described as 'obnoxious'.

I can think of a few adjectives for you, chum. 'Obnoxious' is the least of them! 

Ockelford said he left the store and then returned to talk to the police - saying he had 'nothing to hide'.

But, as usual, turns out he had! 

'They asked for my details and then asked for my address, and I didn't feel like I had to give that to them so they handcuffed me and put me in the back of their car for three minutes'.

Yeah, that happens a lot when you decide to treat the police the way you've got away with treating some poor minimum wage worker. Funny how the boss of a security firm doesn't know that... 

No charges have been brought against Mr Ockelford and he said that he did not think the store would press for them.

Oh, I wish they would... 


  1. Another idiot that has been taken in by the MSM take on Russia v Ukraine. One would think that person in his job would do some of his own research on the subject but that appears to be too much trouble for him.

  2. "Pressing charges".

    As Basildon is in the UK, I think this chap has the required response:

  3. What a horrible nasty little virtue signaller is this man he truly is. What's next for this crew? Taking the books by Russian authors off of library shelves perhaps? After all we've already had an amateur orchestra drop a long dead Russian composer so maybe we are not too far off twats dragging 'unclean' books off of the library shelves.

    If these people have a problem with vodka because of its Russian origin and don't want to possess it in their homes then I can offer a splendid, appreciative, caring and loving home for anybody's unwanted and preferably unopened vodka Russian or otherwise. That way I get free vodka and the virtue signalling twats get to feel smug.

    Virtue signallers can make their vodka guilt offering by sending it to

    British Idiots Vodka Challenge
    c/o On top of the cistern
    Third Cubicle on the Left
    Gents Toilet
    Victoria Station
    London SW1

    Or they can give their vodka to a passing tramp. Better still these virtue signallers grow up and realise that a bottle of Russian vodka is no more to do with the invasion of Ukraine than is the recipe for Saag Aloo a major factor in the activities of ISIS.

  4. Taking vodka off the shelves will help the Ukrainians how exactly? Mindless pillock.

  5. Fahrenheit211, all this Russian vodka has to go somewhere. Keep an eye on your local corner shop.

  6. Andy you may well be correct on this. There are probably more people who would be very willing to buy cheap vodka from a corner shop than there are virtue signalling twats who have suddenly eschewed Russian vodk and don't want to be anywhere near the stuff.

  7. "One would think that person in his job would do some of his own research on the subject..."

    I suspect 'reasearch' is an alien concept. He doesn't appear to be very bright, does he?

    "As Basildon is in the UK..."

    Well, only nominally. Have you ever been there?

    " What's next for this crew? Taking the books by Russian authors off of library shelves perhaps?"

    It would appear they are aiming higher than that. To the stars, in fact:

    We are devolving as a species...
