Wednesday 23 March 2022

Obviously Scrumping Apples Is Old Hat...

A boy aged 12 burgled some of London’s top hotels and the BBC Television Centre in an alleged 10-month crime spree, a court heard.
The boy is said to have carried out raids on Claridge’s in Mayfair, the Four Seasons in Park Lane and The Millennium Hotel in Knightsbridge.
He faces allegations of burgling BBC Television Centre in White City and is also said to have targeted the offices of retailer The White Company and media agency Publicis within the complex. Other alleged targets include the Corinthia Hotel in Whitehall.

Not that this winsome moppet was a lone Artful Dodger, of course: 

The boy appeared in court on Monday alongside his 13-year-old brother, who is accused of involvement in three of the burglaries.

And being 'children' of course their mum accompanied them in the dock! 

Any clue as to the background of this gang of loveable scamps?

The court heard a co-defendant, 19-year-old Shane McCarthy, was also due to appear but claimed he was attending a funeral in Wales. The judge adjourned the hearing until tomorrow.



  1. Knowing Pikeys he will be 13 years old for many years to come.

  2. Until I read the name "Shane" I was expecting Romanian nationality rather than Gaelic.

  3. "Knowing Pikeys he will be 13 years old for many years to come."

    I suspect you're right!

    "Until I read the name "Shane" I was expecting Romanian nationality rather than Gaelic."

    It's a narrow field of specialism, to be sure...
