Saturday 26 March 2022

Sorry, But This Is One Thing You Can't Blame On Lockdown...

Reacting to the killing, one neighbour said: 'Before lockdown she was just an ordinary young girl - now she has killed someone in the most horrible of ways.
'Her family will be horrified. They always seemed so nice and normal.'
A year or even more of restrictions on your movement, even in Blackford's Wales, doesn't turn you into the sort of person who goes out one night, meets two strangers much older, gets drunk with them and then takes a full part in murdering another total stranger just for kicks.
The teenager gave a prepared statement to police to say she had only met the pair on the night and was 'traumatised' by their actions.
The clothes worn by Timms-Williams that night were never found, with the prosecution claiming she was 'forensically aware' and saying she intentionally got rid of them to avoid DNA evidence being found.

That's the action of a total psychopath, who's been planning such a thing for a while. And who, no matter her young age, should never see the outside world again. 


  1. Oh you old softie! She should be hanged.

  2. Pound to a penny that cannabis was involved.

  3. "Oh you old softie! She should be hanged."

    Sadly, her age would make her ineligible.

    "Pound to a penny that cannabis was involved."

    There's no mention of it...
