Thursday 3 March 2022

Tell That To The Bolshoi Ballet, Macron...

...and to all the Russian people unable to work or sell their products here

Leeds-based bar owner Arc Inspirations also confirmed it would stop serving Russian vodka. The bar business said on Twitter: 'To show our support to the people of Ukraine we will no longer be pouring any Russian vodka in any of our bars £standwithukraine.'
I'm sure Putin's quaking in his boots at your pathetically empty and vicious virtue signalling. Still, at least you aren't calling for the expulsion of Russians like this utter clown.
Pressed on whether evicting boarding school pupils from the UK would effectively impact Russia's invasion of Ukraine, he said: "The other group of people, [other] than the Russian people, that Putin listens to are the oligarchs who are his paymasters.
"Those oligarchs have children in British public schools.
"It may sound harsh and it probably is harsh...but if we want to send that message – if the oligarchs need to squeal or be made to squeal – then the way that you will do that is by taking away their privileges, and I'm afraid that is where the children come into it."

I have never been more ashamed to have voted Conservative in my life...but that's something I'll remedy in future if this old fool isn't swiftly reprimanded for his comments by the Party.


  1. This has become Orwellian so quickly. Where was the outrage when the US/CIA engineered the coup in Ukraine?

  2. Collective punishment followed by concentration camps. While I am happy to believe Russian oligarchs are as corrupt and dangerous as their Ukrainian counterparts, why not go full pogrom for consistency sake and tackle Soros and his tech pals who I’m sure all have guilty secrets and leave everyone else out of it

  3. The funny thing is that the Germans still buy Russian Gas.
    Everyone should sign this so we can produce enough gas to replace Putin's

  4. Any of these cretins might adopt the genuflect gesture, if the original idea hadn't already been done-to-death.

    However you're not quite getting all of this are you, JuliaM?

  5. A bit before my time but didn’t we intern Italian and German nationals during WW2? I think the USA interned Japanese nationals after the attack on Pearl Harbour. I’d have thought that revoking visas and expelling Russians is preferable to locking them up.

  6. Has Macron surrendered yet just in case?

  7. A witty or random response to Macron's bombastic rhetoric, Jaded? Either way, it made me laugh.

  8. "Where was the outrage when the US/CIA engineered the coup in Ukraine?"

    Where indeed?

    "While I am happy to believe Russian oligarchs are as corrupt and dangerous as their Ukrainian counterparts, why not go full pogrom for consistency sake and tackle Soros and his tech pals..."

    I'm wondering if it'll come to that...not Soros, though, obviously. He seems untouchable.

    "The funny thing is that the Germans still buy Russian Gas."

    Good old Mutti, harnessing Germany's industrial chain to the Russian horse. Now it's bucking in the traces, what choice do they have but to ride it out?

    "However you're not quite getting all of this are you, JuliaM?"

    Do tell, Melv?

    "A bit before my time but didn’t we intern Italian and German nationals during WW2?"

    Something universally acknowledged bow as a mistake. What's that old saw about those who fail to learn from history?

    "Has Macron surrendered yet just in case?"


  9. 'Do tell, Melv?'

    Making it brief and simple:
    Take the extraordinary, hypothetical case of you being being in charge of UK military strategy and allocations, JuliaM. I can just envisage you granting Zelensky's request for UK jets to take out the vulnerable Russian columns, you know, the ones stuck with 'logistical problems'.

    Are such 'logistical problems' accidental or contrived? Whilst Putin doesn't want Armageddon, he and his Generals will be quite willing to sacrifice convoys of arms and men for his only excuse to strike first with nukes. What you already think of as nonsense, is a real chess game on an extreme scale. A master bluff to dominate the West by default. Curious? Well you could discover the truth a few minutes after being suckered into play, when the entire South East of the UK undergoes an ash conversion.
