Monday 7 March 2022

What Have You Got To Hide, Then?

A Black Lives Matter group in south Wales has closed down after revelations that a covert police unit attempted to recruit one of its members to be an informant.
Lowri Davies, one of the group’s main organisers, exposed a covert police operation to persuade her to become an informant last year by secretly recording the approach. It was the first public evidence that the police have sought to enlist a mole within the Black Lives Matter movement in the UK.

Good! The police are (for once) doing the job we pay them to do... 

On Tuesday, Davies said the attempt by South Wales police to recruit her had had “a massive impact” on the group, leading to members drifting away. She said supporters were too scared to join, adding: “It felt like we were fighting against the odds.”

Oh dear, how many members did you have, then? 

The group, which had about seven core members and hundreds of supporters online...

Ah. Well, somewhere a phone box is now vacant for some other fringe group's regular meetings...


  1. Probably the main complaint against the group was that it was called 'Black Lives Matter' in English, whereas it should have been called 'Mae Bywydau Du yn Bwysig', which for all I know is sung by the crown at Cardiff Arms Park when Wales is playing the All Blacks. (or perhaps not).

  2. "Good! The police are (for once) doing the job we pay them to do..."

    Would it be right to speak for all of us, JuliaM? Especially when you are prepared to see citizens wronged in pursuit of a necessary good?

  3. No welshmen we’re harmed during the writing of this article.

  4. "...which for all I know is sung by the crown at Cardiff Arms Park when Wales is playing the All Blacks. (or perhaps not)."


    "Would it be right to speak for all of us, JuliaM?"

    Why, what is it you pay them to do?

    "No welshmen we’re harmed during the writing of this article."

    Heaven forfend!
