Monday 11 April 2022

Clearly An Uncommon Experience For Him...

...unless they were handing out free pies.

The court also heard Davis had 27 previous convictions including drink-driving, drug dealing and driving without insurance.

And was still on the road causing havoc regardless. Tough one for the defence?  

Nicholas Syfret QC, defending, said: 'James had said he fainted or had a blackout. The prosecution say that was an invented story to avoid the consequences of momentary inattention.
'It is not inconsistent to find that there was some impediment in the seconds before the collision with the car driven in the opposite direction.
'Otherwise, the why of this accident is never explained.'

Well, actually, yes it is. It's explained bty him being a cowardly waste of (excess) skin: 

The trial heard Davis, who had a teenage passenger, had been travelling at 67mph in a 30mph zone shortly before the fatal crash.

Also, a lying one: 

Police bodycam footage played to the court showed Davis telling PC Tom Rust as he was arrested: 'A baby, f***s sake. I’m sorry bab. I blacked out, I was doing 20mph. '
Tests later revealed Davis had cannabis in his bloodstream.

He should rot in jail for the rest of his worthless life. 


  1. Doesn't he have diplomatic protection so that he can fuck off to another country and avoid any punishment? Shame - unequal treatment there!

    There are certain clear-cut cases where the death penalty is called for, and this is clearly one of them.

  2. Jail? This potential plod recruit has a regulation girth, carb proclivity, morality and weed addiction, to make an ideal prisoner-beating custody Sergeant.

  3. It will not have any effect because he doesn't give a damn, but if he "blacked out" whilst driving, would this be grounds for banning him from driving until he can prove that he no longer suffers from this unknown medical problem?
    And if the problem cannot be identified his doctor will not be able to say that he has recovered from it. Does that mean that it would be a medical ban for life?

  4. "There are certain clear-cut cases where the death penalty is called for, and this is clearly one of them."

    Sadly, even under older laws, this is 'accidental' so wouldn't attract it. Pity he didn't have a heart attack at the sudden unknown exertion.

    "This potential plod recruit has a regulation girth, carb proclivity, morality and weed addiction, to make an ideal prisoner-beating custody Sergeant."


    "...would this be grounds for banning him from driving until he can prove that he no longer suffers from this unknown medical problem?"

    Do you think he'd take any more notice of that than he has of all the other laws? Some people aren't fit to live in society.
