Thursday 7 April 2022

I Detect A Flaw In Your Argument...

In a statement, Walker-Brown said: “I recognise also that the law allowed the police to chase me when I tried to run away from them. But what they were not entitled to do is to use a Taser on me when they knew that I did not pose any threat to them whatsoever: I was running away from them.”
And why were you running away from them? Was it because you didn't want to be caught with drugs for the third time?
“I was running away from them precisely because of the threat they posed to me and my safety: a threat that, as a young black man, I could not afford to ignore. I know that I could have easily joined the long line of other black men who have died at the hands of the police.
You'd been stopped previously and were still alive, though. You don't appear to have even got a fine. 

So maybe there wasn't such a need to run, eh?


  1. If he passes a drugs test then he will be a gold medallist in the next Paralympics.

  2. I have trouble finding flaws in his reasonable argument, JuliaM.

    Savant plod should mercifully provide a few clues...for 'uneducatid' folk.

  3. Aren't these young black men more in danger from each other?

  4. Rightly or wrongly (after all, was he threatening plod?) he was tasered and fell 6 ft from the wall. Was the paralysis caused by the taser or by his bad landing? Should plod be responsible for injuries caused whilst he was running away from them?
    @Jaded: He wouldn't be a paralympian unless he had a good drugs test!!

  5. Was the back injury caused by the fall or the taser? It will be an interesting legal debate in court on the topic of causation.

  6. Well, if he really is paralysed, he won't be running away from the Police any time soon.
    Perhaps Newton's third law (For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - also known as the law of unintended consequences) should be publicised more often?

  7. Walker-Brown? Surely he was Brown-Runner?

  8. "If he passes a drugs test then he will be a gold medallist in the next Paralympics."


    "I have trouble finding flaws in his reasonable argument, JuliaM."

    How surprising... 😐

    "Aren't these young black men more in danger from each other?"

    Well, I've looked for the gangland equivalent of PACE and I just can't seem to find it...

    "Should plod be responsible for injuries caused whilst he was running away from them?"


    "Perhaps Newton's third law (For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - also known as the law of unintended consequences) should be publicised more often?"

    Yes, it should indeed!

    "Walker-Brown? Surely he was Brown-Runner?"

