Wednesday 27 April 2022

"I’m pretty sure anyone would have done it."

I'm pretty sure any mother worthy of the name wouldn't have had animals like these anywhere near their children in the first place...

They said while the dogs stayed in the backyard, they had come inside the home at the time of the attack.
The dogs are good dogs. We just had them bathed yesterday. I was asleep and my daughter heard the commotion,” said Margaret Morales.

When will people learn..?

H/T: RealBlackIrish via Twitter


  1. When will people learn..? Never!

  2. Any chance these people keeping their dogs while their children are placed in a much safer place, well away from morons?

  3. "When will people learn..? Never!"

    Sadly, that seems to be correct...

    "Any chance these people keeping their dogs while their children are placed in a much safer place, well away from morons?"

    It might well bring about the end of these mutts that the DDA couldn't achieve. Assuming the parents care as much for the children as Fido.

    And that's by no means a given, is it?
