Saturday 16 April 2022

In A Society Genuinely Concerned With Public Protection, A 2x4 Wouldn't Be Our Only Option...

The heartbroken wife of a beloved father-of-three who was savagely stabbed to death by their neighbour in a trivial parking dispute today slammed ‘toothless and ineffective’ police for failing to act on years of threats and abuse after the knifeman was convicted of murder.
As Arslan was today convicted of murder by a jury, Mrs Boorman said that her husband ‘paid the high price’ for the authorities’ inability to protect the neighbours from the killer, adding that the shocking incident was ‘not remotely out of the blue’. Gloucestershire Constabulary have now referred themselves to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).
It's not entirely true that the police did nothing, however. On the day of his rampage, off-duty police officer Stephen Wilkinson - a neighbour of the Turkish killer - tried to stop him. 

His only weapon to hand? A piece of wood.
Trial judge Mrs Justice Cutts said she wanted a further psychiatric report prepared on him before sentencing, and set a hearing for two months’ time. She told the killer: ‘I am not going to sentence you today; I am going to sentence you on June 9 when I will have an additional report on you. In the meantime you will remain in Broadmoor.’

Another report? Seriously? What more do you need, love?  


  1. Misspelling of Cutts, surely?

  2. Another justification for the death penalty, and by nothing nearly as kind as hanging.

  3. It will mollify all anguish and pain when the victim's family and friends are notified of Gloucestershire Constabulary's decision to refer themselves to the mighty IOPC.

    Indeed, the whole County will be assuaged by such timely Easter news.

  4. This is the best and worst of the British police in one story. You have to admire the courage of the guy tackling homicidal maniac with just a piece of wood, even while noting that it need never have happened if his managers hadn't spent years kicking this particular M****** can down the road.

  5. 'Another justification for the death penalty, and by nothing nearly as kind as hanging'

    Well, yes.

  6. 'Another justification for the death penalty, and by nothing nearly as kind as hanging'

    Well, yes.

  7. "Misspelling of Cutts, surely?"


    "Another justification for the death penalty..."

    Yes. But unless armed cops turn up, we aren't ever getting that back...

    "This is the best and worst of the British police in one story."

    Absolutely! And yet the lessons it has to teach us will be forgotten like yesterday's chip paper...
