Monday 4 April 2022

It's OK, Because 'Life Means Life', Right..?

A teenager who regularly watched videos about serial killers carried out a "vicious and brutal" attack on a disabled schoolgirl.
The 17 year old attacker – who can't be named for legal reasons – stabbed his terrified victim at least 99 times after luring her to a secluded park known as The Orchards in Sittingbourne.

Wait, why can't he be named? He's been found guilty! 

The teenager has now received a sentence in which he will be held in custody for life. An application to lift the order banning his identity being published was turned down.

So when he gets out - and he will get out, probably before the victim's physical scars have faded - no-one can know who he is. Is this justice? 


  1. A stabsman scoring almost a century is as close as any piece of psychotic merde gets to murder, without actually succeeding. Equally amazing, are court proceedings which deliberately expose senstive Pantomime Dames, to 'harrowing and disturbing' footage, recorded on the bushwhacker's phone.

    I have this odd sense of deja vu that something isn't quite white here and that before the decade is out, a more determined Mr X (protected by a new identity and financed by tax-payers) will be at liberty to re-engage with an unrequited mission.

  2. I'm sure the local people know who he is.

  3. "I have this odd sense of deja vu that something isn't quite white here..."

    I can't imagine what you could mean.. 😏

    "I'm sure the local people know who he is."

    No doubt, but when he moves away...?
