Wednesday 13 April 2022

Obviously Not That Exhausted, Then..?

Sky News anchor Mark Austin mounts his high horse:
Mr Fabricant clarified his remarks, saying: 'I said I know of some nurses - quite understandably, and I'm not condemning them - who after a long day on the wards, absolutely exhausted – this is pre vaccination being available, pre the antiviral drugs being available - then going back to the staff room and having a quiet drink.
'Frankly, I can't blame them. Would you call that a party?'
However, the journalist hit back with a firm response, telling the parliamentarian: 'Just for the record, my wife is an A&E doctor and I can assure you there was nothing going on in her hospital like that, they were exhausted, completely exhausted throughout Covid.'

Oh, were they really, Mark? It seems not

The NHS cancelled cancer and hip operations during the pandemic while continuing to perform breast enlargements and nose jobs for private patients.
Figures reveal the health service profited from treating tens of thousands of people who paid for care last year despite claiming to be overwhelmed by coronavirus.

I don't know any more who are the biggest liars. It used to be MPs, but now it's journalists and NHS 'workers'... 


  1. They did look absolutely shagged out on all those Tik Tok dance videos
    I wonder if anyone who banged their pots and pans are now regretting it, or if such people would be blind to the truth anyway?

  2. “Over the past few months we've seen a huge rise in the number of #DancingNurses joining our TikTok community to dance, laugh and enjoy some light relief during their shift breaks, which is a great way to increase morale in a time of uncertainty.” (May 2020)

  3. I remember when it was estate agents that were hated, then plod and politicians upped their ante and shot in front. The MSN not to be outdone decided they liked to be up there and here we are.

  4. Yep, that is the thing. Palace eunuchs like Mark Austin have spent two years speaking truth from power and calling everyone who questioned lockdowns a conspiracy nut and they're still at it now, even as we find out that the only nightclub in Britain allowed to open during lockdown's was Bozza's @ Number 10. The government knew it was all garbage but our watchdog media preferred to preach to the lower orders than to actually do their job.

  5. "They did look absolutely shagged out on all those Tik Tok dance videos"


    "...which is a great way to increase morale in a time of uncertainty."

    I must have missed all the ones made by delivery drivers, plumbers, waste collectors, etc...

    "I remember when it was estate agents that were hated..."

    They still are!

    "Palace eunuchs like Mark Austin have spent two years speaking truth from power and calling everyone who questioned lockdowns a conspiracy nut and they're still at it now, even as we find out that the only nightclub in Britain allowed to open during lockdown's was Bozza's @ Number 10."

    A place where your chances of pulling got a resounding 'Err, I'll give it a miss!' 😁
