Wednesday 6 April 2022

Rewatchable TV April: Burn Notice

I missed this show in its initial run, probably because it clashed with something else, which turned out to be a bit of a blessing, as when I discovered it I had two and a half seasons to binge-watch the first time around.  

It made it to an impressive seven seasons - and the casting was spot on, with fan favourites Sharon Gless and the inimitable Bruce Campbell in the supporting cast, and a host of soon-to-be fan favourites (Tricia Helfer, etc) backing up Jeffrey Donovan as the main character. 

Half McGyver, half Jason Bourne, he was an engaging character and the plotlines often achieved twists and turns that kept you guessing. The jury's still out on Gabrielle Anwar's Belfast accent, however!


  1. Wigner’s Friend6 April 2022 at 16:19

    This jury has decided = the accent was truly awful.

  2. It was! Shame, the character was a good one.
