Tuesday 19 April 2022

Someone Sure Is, Sarah...

Det Supt Sarah White, a senior British Transport Police (BTP) officer, warned that suspects who stare are 'starting to show behaviours that are unhealthy'.
...but I'm not so sure it's who we are supposed to think it is.
'It’s human nature to stare at things. However, it’s very different when someone is staring, leering, or there’s a sexual motivation,' DS White told The Telegraph.
Define 'leering' and then tell the court how you knew - to an evidential standard - what was on the suspect's mind at the time, Sarah. 

Take your time...


  1. There are already laws and offences relating to public order offences, so why should this silly woman add 'sterling's to this legislation? If a woman wears a low cut jumper or blouse, showing a substantial amount of cleavage, is she telling men that she has a lovely bosom and you should admire how gorgeous she is, or is she telling people that if they look at the cleavage on display, they are sex perverts harassing her? If they don't want anyone looking at their boobs, their legs, or there overly made up face, then wear neck high clothing, long skirts or dresses, or a pair of Chinese style ovetalls, and a paper bag. If I see a pretty woman, I will admire her appearance (isn't that why women dress the way they do?), smile, and possibly tell her how much she had made my day more enjoyable.
    Can I have a cell with a window with a nice view?

  2. When you have only seen women who look like a letterbox (© Boris Johnson) then you are going to stare at women in summer clothes. We managed to progress from covering table legs in Victorian times to the bra-less swinging sixties, so it will only take around 100 years of human development and this will no longer be a problem.

  3. Staring will be easily defined as "being looked at, even momentarily, by any man the woman doesn't find attractive/desirable". The additional 'crime' of Excluding will be defined as "not being looked at by any man the woman finds attractive/desirable".

    Women will, of course, demand the 'right' to arbitrarily change their mind as to if a crime occurred, up to if necessary decades later should they so choose (i.e. need some attention, have some bills to pay, get dumped and want to blame anyone but themselves for something/anything). Evidence will, as usual, rely solely on her word, even if there are 18 witnesses, camera footage and documentation 'proving' she was actually somewhere else, shacked up with the local yob/bad-boy/ethnic at the time (you misogynist hater).

    Everything, but everything the woke, Karen, feminists come out with simply confirms every negative stereotype of women as fragile, psychotic, hypocritical, mercenary loons who shouldn't be allowed to wander unsupervised let alone vote or hold positions of authority.

  4. "There are already laws and offences relating to public order offences..."

    Indeed. As a famour film character once remarked: "This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast..." It's a wonder there's room for any more.

    "When you have only seen women who look like a letterbox (© Boris Johnson) then you are going to stare at women in summer clothes."

    Especially when you just arrived on a dinghy from Dover!

    "Everything, but everything the woke, Karen, feminists come out with simply confirms every negative stereotype of women..."

    Give them some credit. They do seem to be the only ones leading the fightback against the trans activist loons.
