Wednesday 20 April 2022

We Should Toss This Salad...

...right back where it came from:

Police urgently want to trace this man after a woman was raped in London.
Detectives want to speak to Salad Ahmed Mohamed following an alleged attack last week.
The offence is said to have happened after a woman got into a white Toyota Prius.

Hmmm...I get a lot of Ubers, and they are often this make. 

He is known to frequent the Islington, Finsbury Park, and South Tottenham areas, according to investigators.

They know a lot about him for a 'stranger rapist', don't they? 


  1. I wonder if Mr Mohamed was born in this country or is a fairly recent arrival via the Kent coast. In either case, thieving his apparent religion seen to feel that being raped is an acceptable right of passage for females, plus young boys, goats, sheep, and lambs.

  2. "I wonder if Mr Mohamed was born in this country or is a fairly recent arrival via the Kent coast. "

    Me too, Penseivat, me too. I could say that if he's caught, we'll find out.

    But will we?
