Thursday 21 April 2022

Yes, You Can, Actually... can resign and find a job more to your liking:

One worker said on the noticeboard: ‘I find the Government proposal totally unethical and it impacts directly upon my workstream. As a civil servant, can I refuse this type of work in contravention of my own ethics?’

Truly, they are 'the enemy within', aren't they? 

The level of negativity in the Home Office is further evidence of attempts to undermine Miss Patel’s efforts to tackle the Channel migrant crisis. Earlier this year, a union representing most Border Force workers joined a migrant charity to challenge the legality of measures to turn boats back to France.

'Negativity' is fine, we all get asked to do things by our employers that we might find distasteful or unworkable. But we either suck it up or leave.  

This, however, is something worse. If Boris's government cannot crush this, why should we vote for his party in May?


  1. If the work your employer requires you to do offends your moral sense, you are honour bound to resign.

  2. If you were to look at the diversity in any government department you would see why they are the enemy. The government employs more minorities than you would believe and in an ideal place to sabotage any work they don't like with no repercussions.

  3. I have always said the pen pushers in the civil service could be cut by 75%, starting with the mandarins at the top, and we the general public should get a better service - it would also reduce the national debt by a large chunk.

  4. When I served as an Immigration Officer, I had one priority - defend British interests by upholding the Immigration Act 1971 end of. Ask them if they'll do their full duty as ordered, and if there's any doubt then sack 'em off...

  5. "If the work your employer requires you to do offends your moral sense, you are honour bound to resign."

    If honour isn't just a meaningless word you use against your political opponent, then yes.

    "If you were to look at the diversity in any government department you would see why they are the enemy. "

    I suspect I would.

    "...and we the general public should get a better service ..."

    Apart from the DVLA, did anyone notice their absence during Lockdown 1?

    "When I served as an Immigration Officer, I had one priority - defend British interests by upholding the Immigration Act 1971 end of."

    It makes you wonder what training they now receive, doesn't it? And from which training company.
