Thursday 26 May 2022

Of All The Things We Need To 'Keep Track Of'...

...I think we can do without this, frankly!
The world is awash in a global network of people buying and selling spiders and scorpions with very little regulation or monitoring, a new study has found.
Translation: Experts in tiny field worry there’s not enough to keep them employed, drum up ‘threat’ only they can dissipate…


  1. Is the problem serious enough for anyone to stage protests dressed as Spiderman?

  2. They need to employ a good silk

  3. Phew! I'm glad someone has brought up this scandal. Where would be be without experts like these to look out for us? After all, experts keep us up to date with warble gloaming and the experts manipulating the "government" did such a fine job with wuflu ...

  4. "Is the problem serious enough for anyone to stage protests dressed as Spiderman?"


    "They need to employ a good silk"

    Bravo! 👏

    "Where would be be without experts like these to look out for us?"

    Better off!
