Wednesday 18 May 2022

Oh, Well, If He's Sorry....

Police swooped on a car in Birmingham after the driver was heard talking on the phone about having a gun. And when Jerome Powell was arrested he had a loaded revolver around his neck.


Where was he going, to rob a bank? Shoot a rival? 

Fiona Cortese, prosecuting at Birmingham Crown Court, said that on February 16 this year police were made aware that the defendant was on his way to a probation appointment in Selly Oak.

/double facepalm 

Theresa Hunt, defending, said: "It was within a bag and the defendant was cooperative with police."

Well, yes, when they are pointing a Heckler and Koch in your face, who wouldn't be? 

She said Powell had it as a deterrent in the event there was any conflict but he did not intend to use the weapon.

Sure, sure... 

Miss Hunt said he was immature but had shown signs of maturity and was trying to live a responsible and constructive lifestyle.
"He made a terrible mistake and is extremely sorry."



  1. So he's looking at the mandatory minimum five years then?

  2. We either have gun laws, or we don't. Clearly we don't - for some sections of the community.

  3. Similar-ish story in my career.
    Two shoplifters are being followed on CCTV on a busy High St on my borough when I was posted to the shoplifting squad (best job I ever had). They had a bag full of swag from M+S.
    I get the call to stop them and I'm closing the gap. As I follow them from a distance they go into the Magistrates court,which I thought was a bit odd.
    Security tell me that they have gone into a court which was empty as it was the lunch hour.
    I stop them and find the stolen goods and as I lead them out I get blocked by a defence lawyer. These two were half-way through a trial as defendants and had gone out in the lunch-hour thieving. The lawyer wanted me to let them go as it would mean the trial being delayed if I arrested them. He couldn't see the irony of the vermin pleading not guilty to theft and then going out stealing during a recess!!
    I would have loved to have seen the Magistrates faces as the defence lawyer told them after lunch that his clients had been "unavoidably detained".

  4. Jaded - Could you have waited until the court session began, then gone in and arrested them? Just for laughs

  5. "So he's looking at the mandatory minimum five years then?"


    "We either have gun laws, or we don't. Clearly we don't - for some sections of the community."

    Spot on!

    " These two were half-way through a trial as defendants and had gone out in the lunch-hour thieving."

    I thought I'd heard I know how wrong I was!

    "Could you have waited until the court session began, then gone in and arrested them? Just for laughs"

    Ooooh, yes!
