Thursday 30 June 2022

'Alexa, What Is A 'PR Disaster'..?'

"Here's something I found on the Internet..."

'Thanks, Alexa, you're a godsend.'


  1. Go woke = go broke.

  2. The Meissen Bison30 June 2022 at 09:16

    I took Andy M's good advice, rang them up and closed my credit card account.

  3. Have a current account with them, going to give them a week for any adults still employed there to give the uni-leaver wokies who came up with this gem a clip round the ear ole and reverse this rubbish, or closed account it will be.

    First Direct appear to be the best regarded for customer service now, so that's probably where we'll go.

    As wifey has been saying for the past 2 years, we're done with stupid, stupid people are persona non grata from now on.

  4. Maybe their staff will take the piss by demanding to be addressed as "The most awesome" or "His Imperial Excellency" stuff like that.

  5. "Go woke = go broke."


    "I took Andy M's good advice, rang them up and closed my credit card account."

    So would I have, but sadly I've never banked with them.

    "...or closed account it will be."


    "First Direct appear to be the best regarded for customer service now, so that's probably where we'll go."

    My mother banks with them, they are pretty good.

    "Maybe their staff will take the piss by demanding to be addressed as "The most awesome" or "His Imperial Excellency" stuff like that."

    I so would!
